

The Patriot makes the positive case for British unity at a time of domestic and global unrest as well accelerating technological evolution.

We seek to advance the interests of our diverse British population whilst preserving and amplifying awareness of the positive aspects of British history and culture, celebrating our great intellectual traditions of science, art and philosophy, whilst promoting the benefits of time spent in the stunning British countryside.

Politically, we will speak out against all those who seek to strategically debase Britain, knowingly or unknowingly, whether at home or abroad. We need to rediscover our pride in ourselves. This starts with knowing who we are.

Practically, we will expose blatant foreign colonisation of our institutions and infrastructure, and condemn all those involved in its facilitation. We must regain control over our land and our economy, urgently. This is especially the case in the realm of technology.

We welcome all readers, wherever in the world, no matter race, colour or creed, who share in our love of this country, to join us in our mission.